To catch a catfish: Why do people create fake online dating profiles? - National

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Societal pressures may be to blame as to why people catfish - pretend to be someone they're not - on dating apps.
Societal pressures may be to blame as to why people catfish - pretend to be someone they're not - on dating apps.

Non financial scam Personal Catfish – Catch The Catfish

To catch a catfish - New Statesman

Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself from Catfish Scams - FasterCapital

What Is Catfishing and How to Tell You're Being Catfished

Social Catfish — Catfish Feeders

Catfished Meaning: How to Tell You're Getting Catfished, and How

I'm certain he was a catfish but, all I wanted to do was talk on

12 Signs That You Might Be Getting Catfished Online - Social Catfish

Owner of Social Catfish Breaks Down Online Dating Scams

3 Ways to Spot a Catfish - wikiHow